Health Benefits Of Green Chillies.

Health Benefits Of Green Chillies.

From boosting immunity to relieving constipation to aiding weight loss, this lip-smacking pepper has so much to offer. What is even more interesting is that green chilis are so low in calories that they can pass for a fat-free ingredient to add to your diet. Plus, it is a great source of various nutrients, including vitamin A, C, K and phytonutrients. If you are still not convinced as to why you should make this chilli a part of your regular meal, then here are its health benefits.

 Aids Weight Loss 
Green chilis can be the perfect addition to the meal of someone trying to get rid of extra kilos. They are low in calories and helps speed up your metabolism. Metabolism is the process in which the food we eat is converted into energy required for our body to thrive. This helps burn calories and results in weight loss

 Keeps Heart Healthy 
It contains beta-carotene, which helps maintain the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It also reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which alleviates the chances of developing atherosclerosis. This, in turn, lowers the risk of heart diseases.

 Provides Relief From Common Cold 
Green chilis contain capsaicin, which stimulates blood flow through the membranes and causes mucus secretion to become thinner. In simple words, it can help ward off infections like the common cold and make you feel better.

 Boosts Immunity 
You need to have a strong immunity more than ever, and what is better than including natural ingredients that will strengthen the immune system. Presence of vitamin C and beta-carotene in green chillies can help bolster the immune system. However, you should store these peppers in a dark, cool area because they tend to lose vitamin C when exposed to heat, light and air.

 Good For Diabetes 
It is a fact well-known that diabetes is a prevailing disease and affects millions of people across the globe. People with diabetes can include green chilli in their diet as it helps balance blood sugar levels. However, green chilli, along with diabetes medication, can cause your blood sugar levels to become lower than normal. So, diabetics should be cautious.
Side Effects Of Green Chili 
So far, we have discussed the health benefits of chilli pepper, but we need to look at the downside of it as well. As we all know, too much of anything can be harmful to the body, and the same goes for green chilli. While it does offer many health benefits, it can also be harmful in some cases. Here are the possible side effects of chilli pepper.

 May lead to inflammation 
The burning flavour of these peppers many cause an intense burning sensation, which in turn, may cause severe pain, and inflammation.

 May cause diarrhoea 
Some people may experience abdominal pain or painful diarrhoea. If you are prone to digestive issues, eating it regularly may worsen symptoms so you might want to cut back.

 May Cause Skin Allergies 
Green chilis contain capsaicin. Too much of this compound in your system can lead to skin allergies. Make sure you eat green chilis in moderation.

In short, including this spicy pepper in your diet can help you in more ways than one. However, it can create a problem when consumed in excess. You can eat it in moderation, but it does not make you immune to any diseases. So, be careful about how much you eat.

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