The misguided economic policy of the Gotabhaya government has plunged the country into the abyss.

The misguided economic policy of the Gotabhaya government has plunged the country into the abyss.

The Gotabhaya government, which relied solely on racism as its capital, is today destabilizing the country.
The people who are facing hardships like economic crisis, hierarchies, shortage of essential commodities are waging struggles on a wide scale.

People who hate life today have dared to do anything. People have been pushed to the conclusion that they can fight and die against this government rather than starve to death.

If this situation continues, it will lead to great danger in the country, which will lead to a civil war, observers say.
It is noteworthy that people have been involved in spontaneous struggles irrespective of race or religion.

However,This government,  has no intention of resigning.So the people are saying that they will not give up the struggle till they resign.

In this context, Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa during his special address to the people;

He said it was not the right time to take the organic manure program and fertilizer would be provided again.

Good plan.

But the Prime Minister must understand one thing

Today, providing fertilizer alone will not solve the problem. A situation is developing in which people will not be able to live.
People line up for fuel. Standing in line for gas. Wandering for the essentials. They are living without fertilizer. It is funny to talk about compost, which has devastated all sectors of the country.

If a permanent solution to this situation is not found in the country, a major civil war will take place in the country. Sri Lankan bankruptcy will lead to starvation

Ways must be taken to change this situation immediately. Otherwise no one will be able to change the fate of Sri Lanka.

If the Rajapaksas are not able to rebuild the country, then the biggest help you can do for the people is to step down.

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