The Hypocrisy Of The Dirty Seven

The Hypocrisy Of The Dirty Seven

By Granville Perera 
The voices from #GoHomeGota campaign has brought together all Sri Lankans under a single banner to chase away the Rajapaksa dynasty and restore democracy and human dignity that will usher Sri Lanka in to a truly multi ethnic, Multi religious, multi lingual and multi cultural pluralistic society. At #Go Home Gota Gama, the days of hate and racism seemed to be a fiction of the distant past. The genies of racists and extremists have been bottled to be discarded permanently at Medamulana or Entebbe. The youth at #GoHomeGotaGama proved that they do not believe in segregating Sri Lanka on religion, ethnicity, caste or culture. Even during these days of Ramadan fasting, we see Muslims coming in numbers to provide moral and logistic support to the protestors. The food, water and refreshments provided by all shows the commitment to a better Sri Lanka. My eating drinking Muslim friends tell me, they are beginning to have a sigh of relief and hope for a better Sri Lanka after the harassment they faced from the time of the Easter Sunday bombing of 21/4/19. The voice of the Cardinal and Catholics demanding justice to Easter Sunday victims has moved the focus away from Muslims and exposed the political strategy behind this tragedy. Unless and until answers are provided for the motives of Easter Sunday bombing and the perpetrators brought to book, there would be no sleep for the Christians and Muslims.

Historically the Muslim community has been very productive contributors to the national economy in the Sri Lanka. Their acumen in business has contributed much to the development of trade, commerce and the export industry. The absolute majority of Muslims are true patriots and will not compromise to live elsewhere.

Unfortunately, the self-serving Muslim parliamentary turncoats led by M H M Ashoff’s bootlicker Naseer Ahamed and his unholy gang have done it again. The seven infidels along with their leaders Rishad Badurdeen and Rauf Hakeem have betrayed the citizens once more. On the eve of the current No Confidence Motion, they have jumped the fence to protect the Rajapaksas again. This might force the Wimal’s, Vasu’s and Gonpilla’s to tuck their tails inside their backs and rejoin the Rajapaksa administration.

The betrayal of the Sri Lankan nation by Muslim parliamentarians in their support for the twentieth amendment to the constitution is a permanent black mark not just on these greedy scavengers but on the entire Muslim community. They were allowed to live another day after they voted for the 20th Amendment to betray the country now once again with the current No Confidence motion. They get elected on 100% Muslim votes and the Muslims as a community have done sweet nothing to punish these betrayers. They should be discarded from any public space including mosques and social functions.

All of them came to parliament from the SJB Muslim votes and thanks to “on my way home” Sarath SIlva’s supreme court judgment, the politicians have become permanent betrayers of the voters. They can jump further than the wildest cat family. Their mission is not to serve people but to amass ill-gotten wealth. Every Muslim politician since Ashroff who was been part of the segregated politics has amassed billions worth of assets that the Go GOTA Go boys must investigate and hang them at GOHOMEGOTAGAMA when the protests succeed.

The Muslim political wheeler dealers seem to be convinced that the Rajapaksas will rule for ever and provide them the impunity they need to survive with their MSD security. The Muslim youth might serve them what they deserve soon as witnessed the happenings in Puttlam to Ali Sabry Rasheed. The saffron clad terrorists too believed in the Rajapaksa might, but the youth at GOGOTAGAMA today are forcing them to kneel before the people. I know, many Muslims pray for the dirty seven to be treated with the muck they deserve.

The Islam I know is a noble religion and there is no place in it for traitors like these bunch of wheeler dealing hypocrites. The Islamic religious leadership should come forward and behead them at GO GOTA GAMA for betraying democracy as they do in Saudi Arabia to anyone who blasphemy the religion of Islam. I have witnessed 14 beheadings during my long stay in Saudi Arabia, and the crowd that gathers to witness the beheading shouts “Allah Akbar” rejoicing the elimination of rapists, criminals and murderers. In this case, betrayers of the future of our nation will hear “Allah Akbar” from the entire Sri Lankan citizenry.

A shameless group who has forgotten that the Rajapaksas burnt their Corona dead in hundreds including a 20 day old baby are providing the support to plunder more from Sri Lanka. When pressure mounted from the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) and Imran Khan prior to the Geneva Human Rights sessions, the Muslims were allowed to take their dead 8 hours by road to the Eastern province and bury in a garbage dump in Ottamawadi. If not for the vote of the scheming Muslims traitors, Nandasena G Rajapaksa would not have had the 2/3rd majority that enabled him to use his madness to do as he pleased. A man who claimed that he is not mentally cable of continuing in the army and asked for a discharge on medical grounds was given the reins of government by 6.9 million Sri Lankans and the unprecedented power of 2/3rd was given by these seven imbeciles. Nandasena’s political ascendancy to the throne on the coffins of the 300 dead and 500 maimed Christians is now well articulated by Cardinal Malcom Ranjith and the bold Christian youth who are demanding answers which this government cannot give. They will not plead guilty and allow these young Christians to hang them for the crimes of 21/4/2019 but divine intervention is providing the retribution and have made them go mad. So it is important that the GO HOME GOTA campaigners win in their struggle to dethrone the Rajapaksa dynasty and try them for crimes against humanity and corruption.

Amongst the other blunders the 2/3rd majority in parliament facilitated was to bring the USA citizen Kaputa Kaa Kaa to parliament as finance minister. Along with the arrogant Cabraal, they forced the 6.9 million who voted them to power to line up the streets queuing up for petrol, cooking gas and daily essentials. The children learnt under mosquito infested conditions and candle light.

The Muslims have gained their freedom from hate and intimidation by extremist Buddhists with the support of the youth in this country. The GoGotaGo community has embraced the Muslims with both arms. In return, If the Muslim community does not make sure that these garbage politicians are dumped and never allowed to hold any political office, the peace and democracy loving Sri Lankans will not forgive the Muslims. They will end up hating the entire Muslim community because of these jumping frogs.

A through financial investigation needs to be undertaken to book these crooks who have accumulated considerable wealth through their high jumping and jail them for life for their criminal actions.



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