A soul in agony ...!

A soul in agony ...!

Of the tree you sow
Not hoping to be a bud that grow
Let me be a dried leave on the floor...

As a flowing river
If you are
I'm not hoping 
To paddle a canoe 
Let me be on the edge 
As a bank 

In the vast sky
I have no desire  to be a shining moon
Let me be a flying skylark 

I have no dreams to be 
The theme  of the poem you write
Allow me to be a reader
My dear ... 

I won't hold your hands
And listen to your stories 
By looking at the shadow of your foot
I will be  relieved ... 

A little place in your heart and soul 
I do not expect it at all 
Am I lucky enough to stand aside 
In a corner where you reside ?
I have no choice beside...

For nurturing you in my womb 
Enough for me is a dark room
Till I leave for my tomb...!

In a corner that is gloomy 
lamenting  in agony 
Shedding tears is your mother...!
Dear son, I'm your mother...!! 

Original poem by: Hamadha A Gaffar
Transleted by:
Mareena Ilyas Shafee 

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